Andy Wu, Sam Mendenhall, Scotty Hoag, Jayraj Jog & Dr. Ali Mazalek

ROSS stands for Responsive Objects, Surfaces and Spaces. The ROSS API is a way for applications to run across a variety of platforms and devices: tabletop computers, touch-screen mobile devices, reponsive walls and interactive 3-D spaces. The ROSS API allows applications to: exchange information about devices they are running on and receive real-time input data from other ROSS-enabled devices. In a ROSS world: your mobile phone can be used as a controller to play "Risk" on your tabletop computer, or your living room can send your mobile phone a notification if there was a fire or break-in. You will stop thinking about operating systems and platforms.

project website

conference papers

Wu, A., Mendenhall, S., Jog, J., Hoag, L. S., and Mazalek, A Nested API Structure to Simplify Cross-Device Communication, ACM Press, Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2012 (TEI '12), p. 225-232, 2012.
Wu, A., Jog, J., Mendenhall, S., and Mazalek, A., A Framework Interweaving Tangible Objects, Surfaces and Spaces, Springer, Heidelberg, Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction, Part II, HCII 2011, LNCS 6762, p. 148 - 157, 2011.

short papers, workshop papers, & posters

Wu, A., Mendenhall, S., Jog, J., and Mazalek, A., Creativity in Software Development in an Academic Research Lab, ACM Press, Proceedings of Creativity and Cognition (C&C '11), p. 401 - 402, 2011.
